Sunday, January 1, 2012

In The Beginning......

I was diagnosed with breast cancer on December 15th, 2003.  I was 22 years old and had recently made some big changes in my life. 

I am someone who deals with problems by talking through them.  I have never shied away from discussing my bout with cancer, have never felt uncomfortable answering questions or relaying experiences.  However, and this is hard to admit, at times I feel so much anger and resentment over the whole thing, more-so than I did while actually going through treatment.  

I guess this blog is my attempt to put it all out there in one place.  Maybe I can find others who have had similar experiences at such a young age to commiserate with.  Maybe I can find peace through sharing my experiences and fears with others (strangers) and finally just let it go.

Maybe this blog will serve as therapy.

..........Jeez, this is a rather serious post for a blog titled "Frankenboobie."


  1. anger is one of the steps you usually go through...if you never did you need to deal with it....this is a great for you always

  2. Amber I had no idea you had breast cancer?!!' what a hard thing to go through so young.
